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Life Fitness GSC ARC TRAINER w/ C Console – Newest & Current Model – Super Clean


The Arc Trainer is a versatile alternative motion cross-trainer that appeals to a wide range of exercisers. The 21 incline levels allow users to choose the type of workout they prefer and the different muscle groups that they want to work. The Arc Trainer is truly a 3-in-1 cardio machine. The wide incline range gives exercisers the ability to glide (lower inclines), stride (medium inclines), or climb (higher inclines). Users can also choose between long cardio workouts, short bursts during interval training, or workouts focused on building power and strength. Fitness facilities have several console options to choose from. They range from simple and intuitive, to entertainment rich and engaging. This unit sells new for nearly $10,000 and sells elsewhere preowned for as much as $7,000. Unit has been cleaned, serviced and is in excellent condition and working order.


2 in stock