Precor 240i Commercial Stretch Trainer


For sale is a Precor 240i stretch trainer. These are great for stretching, obviously.  They are great for injury prevention and also rehabbing injuries.  These sell new for $1,100.

By making time for recovery you’ll experience improved flexibility, coordination, and overall athletic performance.  This can be achieved by stretching daily, whether before or after a workout or as a start to your day, using the same equipment that you’ve used in your local gym, YMCA, hotel, or university, the 240i StretchTrainer.

Our Stretch Trainer™ places you in ergonomically correct stretching positions for maximum benefits, in an effective, seated stretching regimen and will help you complete an effective stretching regimen in only 10 minutes.  The integrated instructional placard shows you eight essential stretches to target key muscle groups – lower back, hamstrings, gluteal/hips, hips/legs/back, inner thighs/groin, upper back, shoulders, and quadriceps.

Its compact footprint will help it fit into your home gym, bedroom, living room, or just about anywhere within your home.